i-Lipo: Advanced Laser Body Shaping

i-Lipo: Advanced Laser Body Shaping

Excess fat is a concern for many people. Not having the figure you desire can be extremely damaging to your self-confidence. Being overweight also carries a number of serious health risks.

Liposuction presents itself as a solution for removing fat, but it features an invasive suction action and causes bleeding and bruising, along with any number of side effects. That’s what makes Chromogenex’ i-Lipo™ the best available solution for fat reduction. A form of laser body shaping, i-Lipo provides the look you want without the negative side-effects of traditional lipo. If you’re interested in safe, technologically advanced shaping, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.

i-Lipo Video Demonstration

For an in-depth look at how Chromogenex’ i-Lipo can provide the shape you want, watch the following video:

i-Lipo Laser Body Shaping

How Does i-Lipo Work?

The i-Lipo procedure is non-surgical, and non-invasive, making it far more pleasant than conventional forms of liposuction. i-Lipo uses low-level laser technology (LLLT) to reduce fat. It does this by breaking down triglycerides into free fatty acidsand glycerol, which are then released through the cell membranes.

In essence, this simulates your body’s natural fat reduction processes. The fat content from the treated areas will be burned offduring a period of post-treatment exercise. The typical i-Lipo treatment also includes infrared laser vacuum massage which enhances circulation, promotes collagen growth and assists in the breakdown of fibrous cellulite tissue.

The end result of the i-Lipo process is slimmer, firmer and smoother skin. Other benefits of laser fat reduction include:

  • Body contouring
  • Cellulite reduction
  • Skin tightening
  • Collagen growth
  • Skin cell renewal
  • Improved circulation

What is the Treatment Like?

i-Lipo laser treatment is carried out over several appointments; the exact number varies based on your individual needs and fat-loss goals. Typically, the suggested course is two treatments per week over four weeks.

Each i-Lipo treatment takes just 30 – 35 minutes; 20 for the initial laser treatment, followed by 10 – 15 for the infrared laser vacuum massage. The i-Lipo treatment is pain-free; many even find it relaxing, not dissimilar to a slightly warm massage.

Is i-Lipo Safe?

Chromogenex’ i-Lipo system is not only comfortable but safe. Because i-Lipo triggers a natural fat cell release reaction, the process does not damage cells or skin. i-Lipo is cleared by the FDA.

The i-Lipo treatment is suitable for both men and women. Your doctor will go through a basic, full medical questionnaire and determine if i-Lipo is right for you. To set up a consultation, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online .

After Treatment

Many people see results after just one appointment, with the effects after multiple treatments increasing exponentially. Reduction in cellulite and fat cells will reshape your body, giving you the look you want.

After treatment, it’s important to keep up with regular diet and exercise. Your doctor can help formulate a plan and make suggestions in this regard. i-Lipo can be performed again if weight is gained, or to target a different area of the body.

Safe, Effective Shaping

Chromogenex’ cutting-edge i-Lipo laser treatment provides an intelligent, non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Body contouring can be easy, with i-Lipo which features no needles, suction or down time. To get started with i-Lipo, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online .