Cellulite Reduction

You should be able to show off your skin without fear of unsightly fat peeking out. Many cellulite home remedies and cellulite creams claim to eliminate the problem, but the only real solution is laser body sculpting. The best form of laser cellulite reductioncomes with the targeted fat reduction of Chromogenex i-Lipo.

For more information about the easy, affordable and effective i-Lipo treatment, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a type of fat that sits just underneath your skin. Because it’s so close to the skin, cellulite gives the appearance of many tiny dimples surrounding the affected area. Cellulite most commonly occurs in women, but in rare cases can affect men as well.

Cellulite can be regularly found on the:

  • Thighs
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen

Cellulite frequently occurs in areas that have existing pockets of fatty tissue. As fat cells build up, they start to push up against the skin while seeing resistance from the muscles in your body. This creates an uneven skin surface, which leads to the previously mentioned dimpling. Cellulite can be caused by:

  • Excess fat
  • Dehydration
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Lack of exercise
  • Metabolism
  • Poor diet

Cellulite Treatments

One of the best ways to eliminate cellulite is with an i-Lipo treatment session. i-Lipo provides a scientifically proven method to target fat cells. During a session, 2 – 4 laser pads are attached to the area you wish to treat.

Using low-level laser technology (LLLT), these pads emit a frequency that essentially melts fat cells and cellulite away. After each non-surgicalnon-invasive session you engage in light exercise that ensures the cellulite and fat dissipate. The end result: smoother, tighter and suppler skin.

While the laser liposuction effect of i-Lipo is the superior treatment for cellulite, there are several other options on the market:

  • Cellulite creams: Also marketed as caffeine cream and retinol cream, these products aim to stimulate collagen through the skin.
  • Mesotherapy: This relatively new treatment uses an injectable “cocktail” of medicines, vitamins and supplements to destroy fat cells.
  • Conventional liposuction: Conventional liposuction is an invasive, surgical procure where fat and cellulite are “sucked” out with a small tube called a cannula.

At best, these alternate treatments are ineffective. At worst, they are incredibly harmful and can cause bleeding, scars or long-term damage to your skin.

i-Lipo Cellulite Reduction in Action

i-Lipo is an easy, affordable and effective way to reduce fat and eliminate cellulite. This video demonstrates just how innovative Chromogenex i-Lipo is:

To get on the path to healthier, more attractive skin, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.