Chemical Peels

The harsh effects of aging can damage your confidence. With a chemical peel, you can reinvigorate your look with healthy, youthful skin. If you’re interested in the skin rejuvenation of a chemical peel, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.

How Chemical Peels Work

A form of skin care, chemical peels provide luminous soft skin through resurfacing. This means, essentially, that your older skin is replaced by younger, smoother skin.

This procedure is done with any number of chemical solutions, including:

  • Glycolic acid
  • Trichloroacetic acid
  • Salicylic acid
  • Lactic acid
  • Carbolic (phenol) acid

These solutions are safe for use on skin; they cause mild blistering that causes a top layer of skin to “peel”. This “peeling” rejuvenates your skin and provides a younger look. Depending on the severity of your skin issues, there are several forms of chemical peels:

  • Light peels, which treat fine lines and wrinkles on only the outermost layer of skin.
  • Medium peels, which go deeper and can treat uneven skin tone and acne scars.
  • Deep peels, which can help with deep wrinkles, age spots or even precancerous growths.

The time taken and frequency of treatment will depend on which type of peel you, and your doctor, choose. A typical session, however, takes under an hour and is an outpatient procedure.

How Chemical Peels Help

By providing you with smoother, more youthful skin, chemical peels can help mitigate or eliminate any number of skin issues.

Chemical peels can help with:

  • Wrinkles
  • Acne
  • Age spots and liver spots
  • Sun-damaged skin
  • Scars
  • Fine lines
  • Rough skin

If you’re struggling with any of these skin issues, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.

Before Your Chemical Peel

It’s crucial to keep your doctor informed of any health problems before beginning a chemical peel. Things such as scarring and cold sores can interfere with the chemical peel process. Your doctor may request a physical, to analyze your skin and provide a chemical peel that’s best suited to your needs.

Before starting each session, you’ll be asked to remove all makeup and creams from the areas that will be treated. Typically, this involves such products being avoided for a full 24 hours in advance of your appointment.

After Your Chemical Peel

The deeper the peel, the longer your recovery time will be. For a light or medium peel, pain is minimal and won’t last much longer than the treatment itself. Your doctor will help mitigate this with soothing lotions and cold compresses.

For a deep chemical peel, your doctor will provide a numbing agent for your skin to dramatically reduce the pain you’ll feel. It’s a good idea to bring a friend or loved one with you, so you can have a safe ride home.

In the days after a peel, it’s normal for your skin to be irritated, cracked or red. This is the natural resurfacing process taking place. New youthful skin will eventually replace the old skin and you’ll have a lovely, fresh look.

Start Today

Love your skin again with a chemical peel. Please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.