Collagen Induction

Collagen Induction Therapy

With all sorts of products designed to help promote youthful looking skin regardless of age, the choice can be difficult finding the right procedure for you. However, one of the newest—and surprisingly oldest—options is collagen induction therapy (CPI) also known as micro-needling. Discovered in the 50’s by French physician Dr. Pistor, gaining popularity in the 90’s, CPI is once again gaining steam as a treatment for less-than-perfect skin.

Now used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, scars, and to reduce pore size, CPI offers these results in a way unlike other treatments. Unlike lasers, chemicals and heat treatments, CPI protects the epidermis (the outermost layer of skin and our first line of defense against the elements).

How Does Collagen Induction Therapy Work?

The procedure is completed with a tool that quickly pokes the skin with tiny micro needles. These microscopic wounds stimulate a process known as neocollagenesis; the production of new collagen connective tissue in the lower (dermal) layers of the skin. These elastin fibers are what keep our skin looking taught and young.

Collagen Induction Therapy Procedure

Using a process known as micro-needling, tiny injections are made in the skin with the aid of a tattoo gun type tool. These micro needles puncture through the epidermis (top layer of skin) and into the dermis (lower layer), jumpstarting the production of collagen.

For moderate scarring and imperfections, the CIT procedure may have to be repeated up to four times, and in excess of five rounds of treatment for severe scaring. However, many patients state that the procedure is quick and relatively pain free, often describing a stinging sensation as the only discomfort.

It should also be said that it may be required to wait up to 6 weeks between courses of treatment to allow adequate healing of the area.

Expected Results

With an initial inflammation followed by an inflammatory response (initiation of new tissue formation) and ending with the production of new collagen, your CIT treatment may take up to a year to show full results. Many physicians also offer maintenance treatments every 6-months to a year, keeping your skin looking young for years.

If you’ve been searching for a skin treatment but want to avoid lasers, and chemicals, or if you have been looking to remove scars, but don’t want full plastic surgery, collagen induction therapy may be the option for you.

Request more information about Collagen Induction Therapy today. Call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.