Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing)

Many people look for a way to reduce stubborn fat such as love handlesmuffin topsand paunches. Some even look to surgical solutions, such as liposuction or cutting-edge new treatments, like laser liposuction.

Those procedures have one thing in common: they destroy fat cells, meaning that they can actually destroy other, non-fat tissue in the process. That means damage to your body, long recovery times and the possibility of scars. That’s where Cryolipolysis comes in. Unlike those other options, Cryolipolysis freezes fat cells to the point of elimination.

If you’re interested in the cold fat reduction of Cryolipolysis (Fat Freezing) , please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online.

How Fat Freezing Works

Cryolipolysis avoids any potentially damaging elements, including hot lasers or invasive incisions. Instead, Cryolipolysis uses a targeted cooling process that freezes fat cells to the point of elimination.

The Cryolipolysis M10 machine is cleared by the FDA and is completely non-invasive. The typical Fat Freezing appointment lasts just one hour and could easily fit into a lunch break. There is minimal pain and downtime involved in the procedure, which means you can easily return to work after the procedure.

The effects of Cryolipolysis take some time to appear because it’s a natural solution. As the fat cells in your “problem areas” are frozen, they take some time to die and leave your body. Once this happens, love handles, muffin tops and more may be reduced.

Before & After pictures are provided by the product manufacturer. Your results may vary.

Is Fat Freezing for Me?

Cryolipolysis is not a weight loss procedure or meant to eliminate obesity. Instead, it is the ideal procedure for cutting down on unsightly problem fat. The best way to know if Cryolipolysis is the solution for you is to contact a doctor for a consultation.

Generally, Cryolipolysis has shown to be very effective at reducing love handles, pooches, muffin tops, back fat and more. The procedure is:

  • Fast
  • Easy
  • Effective
  • Non-invasive
  • Non-surgical
  • Safe

Take Your Body Back!

If Fat Freezing sounds like the procedure for you, please call (718) 576-3792 or contact us online. It’s time to stop living with love handles! Freezing fat cells provides a safe, effective and natural solution.